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Womens Support Worker: Barbara Ladds
Barbara is the Pastor's wife here at Cannon Park. With decades of experience in youth work and womens work, Barbara is leading our womens and family outreach here at the church.
Womens Bible Study
Barbara runs a women's bible study for the women in the church and for those in the local area. To facilitate as many women in different stages of life, the study is run one week on Tuesday morning and the following week on Tuesday evening. Therefore, it is a bi-weekly study, where women can choose which time suits better for them.

Barbara offers a 321 course for those who have no knowledge of the Bible but are interested in finding out more.
Open Door
During term time, Barbara is available at a room in the church with a separate entrance specifically for women. It is an open door to all women on;
Tuesdays & Wednesdays 12.30pm-4pm
Thursdays 9.30am - 12.30pm

Our church is located in a deprived area and cannot give Barbara a salary at this time. If you would like to support Barbara then please click on the button below. We thank you and ask for your continued prayers for the work of THRIVE in our church.
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