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Worship is at the centre of a Christian's relationship with God. Jesus himself said '...the Father is seeking such people to worship him.' (John 4:23) In other words God saves people out of their darkness that He might receive the worship and honour He deserves from them. As we are called into God's community, we are called to worship Him collectively as well as individually.  As such our worship is to be:



Worship is about praising the Triune God for who He is and what He has done. As He is the focus we worship God in the way He has ordained and not in a way that simply pleases our own tastes. The Reformers called this the Regulative Principle of Worship. God's word is a sufficient guide to our worship and lays out the elements that make up our service and are the 'means of grace' to the Christian: the reading and hearing of the Scriptures (we use the English Standard Version), sound preaching of the Word, congregational singing (we use the new metrical Psalter 'Sing Psalms' and 'Christian Hymns'), public prayer, giving to the Lord, a call to worship and benediction, and the administering and receiving of the sacraments (Baptism and the Lord's Supper). All this is to happen on the day God has chosen each week- Sunday, the Christian Sabbath.


Jesus is the one who has opened the way for us to worship and given us a new life. It is His perfect life, death and resurrection that has restored us to God and He is the one God has chosen to be King. Surely He deserves to be at the centre of all we do and preach.


Jesus went on to say 'those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth'. (John 4:24) There is an inextricable link between the Holy Spirit and the Word, as the Holy Spirit ordinarily works through the reading and preaching of the Word. Therefore, preaching is the primary focus of a Spirit-empowered service. We trust that as the Word is proclaimed and we learn more about Him, God's Spirit will change lives.


'For why? The LORD our God is good; 

His mercy is for ever sure. 

His truth at all times firmly stood

And shall from age to age endure.'


We welcome all to our services, please feel free to join us at either or both:


Every Sunday 10:45am

Our morning service is followed by a bring and share lunch each week. Enjoy a time of fellowship together until our 3pm service. 


Every Sunday 3pm

To all who are weary and need rest;
To all who mourn and long for comfort;
To all who feel worthless and wonder if God cares;
To all who fail and desire strength;
To all who sin and need a Saviour;
To all who hunger and thirst for righteousness;
And to whoever will come –

This church opens wide her doors and offers her welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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